Our Takoda (Dakota for “Friend to All”) programming addresses educational and employment disparities on four fronts:
- Takoda Institute Training
- Takoda Works Career Coaching
- Takoda GED & Adult Basic Education
- Takoda Prep Alternative High School


Takoda GED & Adult Basic Education:
No-cost tutoring and small group instruction provide the tools needed to successfully earn a GED, get a job or pursue higher education.

Takoda Institute:
No-cost, short-term vocational training in fields such as healthcare, IT, warehouse support and logistics provide the opportunity for a living wage in high-demand careers.

Takoda Prep:
Our accredited, alternative high school — affiliated with Minneapolis Public Schools — focuses on core academic competencies while maintaining a strong connection to American Indian culture.

Takoda Stability:
offers services that provide a social safety net to participants to help them set on a path to self-sufficiency and economic independence.

Takoda Works:
Personalized, no-cost assessments and career planning (such as resume building, job search strategies and interviewing skills) help job-seekers find and keep work.